Community Transit fares

From Transit.Wiki

Community Transit accepts cash and ORCA cards for payment. Monthly passes are available on ORCA cards only.

Local fares

One way Monthly pass
Adult $2.50 $81
Youth (age 6- 18) $1.75 $54
(with Regional Reduced Fare Permit)
$1.25 $36

A free transfer (2 hours) is available to ORCA riders only. If the fare amount on the second trip is higher than the first, the fare difference will be charged on the second trip.

Local fares apply to commuter routes for travel within Snohomish County. To so do notify the driver before tapping your ORCA card.

Commuter fares

One way Monthly pass
Adult $4.25 $153
Youth (age 6- 18) $3 $108
(with Regional Reduced Fare Permit)
$2 $72

North/East fares apply on routes 421, 422, 424, 425, 821.


A regional monthly pass is available to ORCA card holders. The pass is sold at prices range from $18 to $171 for fare values range from $0.50 to $4.75. It is accepted for regular service for various transit providers in the region. If the actual fare exceeds the fare value on the pass, a fare upgrade is required.