For a while, the wiki has offered bus stop maps (and real time predictions) for agencies that uses the NextBus API (including Muni, AC Transit, LA Metro, etc) and the OneBusAway API (maps only for agencies in the Seattle Region).
Now we provide our own GTFS parsing API to offer the same bus stop map for more than 20 agencies, including UTA in Salt Lake City, RTD in Denver, Valley Metro in Phoenix, ABQ Ride, Sacramento RT, San Diego MTS, etc. Real time arrival information is available through the bus stop maps for SamTrans and VTA in the SF Bay Area.
Example: Map:MTS 30 (route that serves the beautiful La Jolla and Pacific beaches in San Diego)
Some of the systems includeing UTA and SD MTS have their own real time data. Offering that data on the site is one of the things yet to do.