Anaheim Resort Transit

From Transit.Wiki

Anaheim Resort Transportation (ART) is consisted of 20 routes connecting Disneyland with nearby hotels in the area. Most routes run every 20 minutes.

ART web site


Disneyland - Local hotels
Disneyland - Local hotels
Disneyland - Local hotels near Convention Center
Disneyland - Local hotels along Clementine St.
Disneyland - Local hotels, Gardenwalk
Disneyland - Local hotels on Katella (southside)
Disneyland - Disneyland perimeter (clockwise)
Disneyland - Local hotels along Manchester Ave.
ARTIC - Disneyland
Peak hours only to/from Disneyland


Fare One way 1-day pass 3-day pass 5-day pass
Adult $4.00 $6.00 $16.00 $25.00
Children $1.50 $2.50 $3.50 $5.50
Reduced (senior and disabled) $1.50 $2.50 $5.50 $8.50

Passes can only be purchased at Disneyland, from kiosks, participating hotels, or RideART đŸ“± mobile app.
