Map:King County Metro Route 10

From Transit.Wiki

Bus stop map for King County Metro Route 10. Stop list is below the map.

It is possible that not every trip serve every stop. See timetable for details.

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Public transit data powered by OneBusAway.

Stop name Direction Stop code

Pine St & 9th Ave SW 1085
Pine St & 5th Ave SW 1110
E Pine St & Bellevue Ave W 11100
Pike St & Boren Ave E 11132
Pine St & 4th Ave W 1120
15th Ave E & E Galer St S 11370
15th Ave E & E Prospect St S 11390
15th Ave E & E Aloha St S 11400
15th Ave E & E Roy St S 11410
15th Ave E & E Republican St S 11430
15th Ave E & E Harrison St N 11570
15th Ave E & E Roy St N 11590
15th Ave E & E Aloha St N 11600
15th Ave E & E Prospect St N 11610
15th Ave E & E Highland Dr N 11620
Grandview Pl E & E Galer St N 11630
Grandview Pl E & E Garfield St N 11640
Pike St & 4th Ave NE 1180
Pike St & 6th Ave E 1190
Pike St & 7th Ave E 1195
Bellevue Ave & E Olive Way S 13441
Bellevue Ave & E Olive St N 13460
E John St & 15th Ave E W 29261
E John St & 10th Ave E W 29262
E Olive Way & Summit Ave E SW 29266
E Olive Way & Summit Ave E NE 29268
E John St & Broadway E E 29270
E John St & 15th Ave E E 29273
E John St & 12th Ave E E 29277
E John St & 12th Ave E W 29301