Map:LTD Route 33

From Transit.Wiki

Bus stop map for LTD Route 33. Stop list is below the map.

It is possible that not every trip serve every stop. See timetable for details.

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Source: Transit agency.

Stop list

Stop name Destination Stop code

S/S of 24th E of Chambers 00477
E/S of Chambers S of 25th 00478
E/S of Chambers S of North View 00479
E/S of Jefferson N of 19th 00936
E/S of Jefferson N of 22nd 00940
N/S of 28th W of Jefferson 00945
N/S of 28th W of Monroe 00946
N/S of 28th W of Friendly 00947
N/S of 28th E of Tyler 00948
S/S of 24th E of Polk 00951
S/S of 24th E of Van Buren 00952
S/S of 24th E of Adams 00953
S/S of 24th W of Madison 00954
E/S of Jefferson N of 18th 00955
E/S of Jefferson S of 15th 00956
S/S of 13th W of Washington 01035
S/S of 13th E of Lincoln 01036
N/S of 29th W of Mill 01085
N/S of 29th E of Oak 01087
Amazon Station, Bay D 01407
S/S of 24th W of Taylor 01425
E/S of Chambers N of 28th 01426
N/S of 28th E of Almaden 01427
E/S of Olive S of 12th 01540
N/S of 29th W of Willamette 01668
N/S of 29th W of Charnelton 01669
Eugene Sta central arrival zone escenter
W/S of Jefferson S of 18th 00935
W/S of Jefferson S of 19th 00937
W/S of Jefferson N of 22nd 00941
S/S of 28th W of Jefferson 00949
W/S of Jefferson S of 15th 00957
N/S of 11th W of Lincoln 00988
S/S of 29th W of Mill 01086
S/S of 29th E of Willamette 01088
W/S of Jefferson S of 12th 01221
N/S of 24th E of Fillmore Street 01424
S/S of 28th W of Almaden 01690
S/S of 28th E of McLean 01692
S/S of 28th E of Adams 01693
S/S of 28th E of Monroe 01694
S/S of W 29th W of Willamette 01956
S/S of W 29th W of Charnelton 01957
N/S of 24th E of Madison 01958
N/S of 24th E of Jackson 01959
N/S of 24th W of Polk 01960
Eugene Station, Bay B 02102
W/S Chambers S of 25th 02150
W/S Chambers S of Northview 02151