Map:LTD Route 36

From Transit.Wiki

Bus stop map for LTD Route 36. Stop list is below the map.

It is possible that not every trip serve every stop. See timetable for details.

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Source: Transit agency.

Stop list

Stop name Destination Stop code

N/S of 18th W of Langton 00384
N/S of 18th E of Josh 00387
N/S of 18th E of Peppertree 00389
N/S of 18th 2nd stop W of Bailey Hill 00391
N/S of 18th 1st stop W of Bailey Hill 00393
N/S of 18th W of Mistletoe 00395
N/S of 18th W of Quaker 00397
N/S of 18th W of Buck 00399
N/S of 18th W of Oak Patch 00401
N/S of 18th W of Wilson 00403
N/S of 18th W of City View 00406
N/S of 18th W of Arthur 00408
N/S of 18th E of Garfield 00410
N/S of 18th W of Grant 00411
N/S of 18th E of Chambers 00414
N/S of 18th W of Polk 00415
N/S of 18th W of Van Buren 00417
N/S of 18th W of Friendly 00420
N/S of 18th W of Madison 00421
N/S of 18th E of Jefferson 00424
N/S of 18th W of Lincoln 00426
N/S of 18th W of Willamette 00428
W/S of Willamette S of 14th 00481
W/S of Willamette S of 16th 00483
E/S of Bertelsen N of 13th 01020
E/S of Bertelsen S of Churchill 01021
E/S of Bertelsen N of Aldron 01023
E/S of Bertelsen S of Langton 01026
E/S of Bertelsen S of 11th 01200
N/S of 11th E of Commerce 01541
N/S of 11th W of Commerce (Target) 02097
Eugene Station, Bay M 02113
Willow Creek Facility arrival zone arr_wc
S/S of 18th W of Four Oaks Grg 00383
E/S of 18th N of Churchill 00385
S/S of 18th W of Peppertree 00388
S/S of 18th 1st stop W of Bailey Hill 00392
S/S of 18th W of Mistletoe 00394
S/S of 18th E of Quaker 00396
S/S of 18th W of Buck 00398
S/S of 18th E of Greiner 00400
S/S of 18th W of McKinley 00404
S/S of 18th E of City View 00407
S/S of 18th E of Arthur 00409
S/S of 18th W of Grant 00412
S/S of 18th E of Chambers 00413
S/S of 18th E of Polk 00416
S/S of 18th W of Jackson 00418
S/S of 18th W of Friendly 00419
S/S of 18th W of Madison 00422
S/S of 18th E of Jefferson 00423
S/S of 18th E of Lawrence 00425
S/S of 18th W of Charnelton 00427
W/S of Bertelsen S of 13th 01022
W/S of Bertelsen N of Aldron Ct 01024
W/S of Bertelsen N of 18th 01025
E/S of Olive, S of 16th 01164
E/S of Olive N of 15th 01165
W/S of Bertelsen S of 11th 01396
W/S of Bertelsen S of 13th 01438
E/S of Olive S of 12th 01540
S/S of 11th E of Commerce 01542
S/S of 11th W of Commerce (Walmart) 01897
Willow Creek Facility 02601
Eugene Sta central arrival zone escenter