Map:TriMet Route 58

From Transit.Wiki

Bus stop map for TriMet Route 58. Stop list is below the map.

It is possible that not every trip serve every stop. See timetable for details.

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Data provided by TriMet.

Stop list

Stop name Direction Stop code

SW Jefferson between 4th & 5th Westbound 12790
SW Jefferson & 10th Westbound 3049
SW Jefferson & 13th Westbound 3051
SW Jefferson & 16th Westbound 3052
SW Jefferson & 20th Westbound 3054
Hwy 26/Canyon Rd Ramp & SW Skyline Westbound 895
SW Canyon & Camelot Ct Westbound 10632
SW Canyon & Canyon Crest Westbound 10633
SW Canyon & Benz Park Westbound 885
SW Canyon & Copel Westbound 890
7500 Block SW Canyon Westbound 882
SW Canyon & Canyon Dr Westbound 883
SW Canyon & 87th Westbound 914
SW Canyon & 91st Westbound 12406
SW Canyon & 93rd Westbound 917
SW Canyon & 96th Westbound 919
SW Canyon & Walker Westbound 898
SW Canyon & 104th Westbound 904
SW Canyon & 107th Westbound 907
SW Canyon & 110th Westbound 909
SW Canyon & 115th Westbound 910
SW Canyon & Red Robin Westbound 8265
Beaverton Transit Center Southbound 8169
SW Canyon & Broadway Eastbound 8271
SW Canyon & 115th Ave Eastbound 13042
SW Canyon & 110th Eastbound 908
SW Canyon & 107th Eastbound 906
SW Canyon & 103rd Eastbound 12405
SW Canyon & Walker Eastbound 899
SW Canyon & 96th Eastbound 920
SW Canyon & 93rd Eastbound 918
SW Canyon & 91st Eastbound 915
SW Canyon & 87th Eastbound 913
SW Canyon & Linden Eastbound 893
SW Canyon & Jade Northbound 892
SW Canyon & 73rd Eastbound 912
SW Canyon & Canyon Crest Eastbound 10634
SW Canyon & Camelot Ct Northbound 9338
Hwy 26 On Ramp & SW Skyline Eastbound 894
SW Columbia & 18th Eastbound 10168
SW Columbia & 12th Eastbound 1111
SW Columbia & Park Ave Eastbound 1108
SW Columbia between 6th & 5th Eastbound 12793
SW Jefferson between 4th & 5th Westbound 12790