Pierce Transit fares
Pierce Transit accepts cash and ORCA cards for payment. Monthly passes are available on ORCA cards only.
Local fares
One way | PT day pass | Monthly regional pass | |
Full fare | $2 | $5 | $72 |
Youth 6-18 fare | $1 | $2.50 | $36 |
Senior/Disabled/Medicare fare | $1 | $2.50 | $36 |
A free transfer is available (2 hours) to ORCA riders. ORCA transfer is good on other participating agencies.
A regional monthly pass is available to ORCA card holders. The pass is sold at prices range from $18 to $171 for fare values range from $0.50 to $4.75. It is accepted for regular service for various transit providers in the region. If the actual fare exceeds the fare value on the pass, a fare upgrade is required.