The Jule

From Transit.Wiki

The Jule is a local transit system for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Service is available on weekdays and Saturdays.

Web site

Route information

Hill - Mercy - Loras- S Locust
Kohl's - HyVee - MA West - Radford
Intermodal - JFK Circle
Jackson - Central - Broadway - Terrace Heights
Ashbury - Pennsylvania
Fri, Sat Night
University - Plaza 20
Jackson - Rhomberg - Windsor - Kerper
Walmart - Target


Full Half-fare Youth
Single ride $1.50 $0.75 $0.75
11-ride punch card $15 $7.50
Monthly pass $45 $22.50
Annual pass Free (age 6-10), $15 (age 11-18)

Seniors, Medicare, and disabled riders pay half-fare. ID is required.

Youth annual pass requires application.

Bus passes can be purchased at the Intermodal Transportation Center or City Hall.